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My Speciality 

Designing a garden can be a daunting process.  Whether you are starting from scratch, dealing with a small space, a large country garden or simply wanting to breathe new life into a tired border the possibilites are exciting and endless.  Turning your ideas into a reality can be challenging, especially on a budget.  


My job is to help you to create a beautiful, sustainable garden that you love.  To understand what you want and need from your garden and deliver something that is both practical and beautiful and is achievable within your budget.

Every garden is unique, therefore a flexible service is offered to suit each clients individual needs and budget. 

I offer a combination of the following services.


Initial Consultation 

This enables accurate design plans and reduces unnecessary and unplanned expense during the building phase.  A specialist surveyor may be instructed if the site requires it.

Site Survey

This enables accurate design plans and reduces unnecessary and unplanned expense during the building phase.  A specialist surveyor may be instructed if the site requires it.

Concept Design

We meet to discuss and view initial drawings and ideas.  Your chance to see for the first time the design on paper and collaborate further to ensure you get the garden you really want.

Outline Plan

Detailed working drawings of your garden.  Drawn to scale, these include setting out drawings and can be used by landscapers to build the garden.

Planting Design

A detailed plan showing the placement and selection of plants for your garden.  Every plant is chosen after considering both your preferences and the desired feel for the garden.  The aim being to create a beautiful and sustainable garden that will stand the test of time and give year round interest. 

Construction Drawings

Technical drawings which enable the construction of your garden, an extension of the Outline plan.  These drawings also illustrate the finer points of the design ensuring attention to detail in realtion to the hard landscaping. 

Scope of Work and Specification

A document enabling the construction of your garden by specifying the materials to be used and techniques to be employed.

Tender Process

Preparing and sending the relevant documentation and plans to landscape contractors allowing them to quote for the construction of your garden.  Meeting the contractors on site if necessary enabling them to quote both fairly and accurately.

Gardening Tools

Monitoring the Build

Regular meetings on site during the construction of your garden ensuring the build is completed smoothly and to the original specification.  Dealing with unforeseen issues promptly to minimise delays and control costs.  Sourcing furniture, greenhouses, pots and plants where necessary.


Once the hard landscaping is in place and the beds are ready the realisation of your planting design.  This service includes sourcing the plants and physically planting them. 

Watering the Garden

Maintenance Schedule

A document detailing how to look after your garden month by month.

Design Edit

Over time all gardens need editing to ensure they continue to look their best.  Either regular or one off visits to keep it looking fantastic and make sure your garden is everything you dreamed it would be!

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